The open source web and mobile platform
for data collection and management
NGO ? National Park ? City ? Company ?
Need a tool to manage your observations ?
GeoNature is an open source web and mobile application developed by a strong community of developers led by the French national parks. Built as an information system, the modules enable most of the biodiversity data management profession :
Fauna, flora and other taxa data collection (web and mobile)
Habitat data collection
Surveys management
Import of massive table historic data or shared by partners
Data management
Data analysis
Data export
GeoNature meets past, current and future needs related to biodiversity data. Many new features and modules are on the way thanks to developers from different horizons : wetland data management, camera traps and their data management, validation process, data sharing automatisation, etc.
Synthesis of your data on GeoNature
Manage your user, your taxonomy, your locations
With GeoNature, you can manage more than your observation data. GeoNature contains features to manage your national taxonomical referential, your pool of users and your local geographical referential.
A huge community of users and contributors
100 structures (national parks, ngo, private compagny, cities) using the tool
60 versions
20 developers on the project
These high numbers symbolize the size of the project which begins 10 years ago. The community of users and developers is very active with more than 2000 tickets that have been open in the backlogs.